Our mission is to connect those participating in the global digital economy with the physical community of Saipan and the Northern Mariana Islands. In so doing, we embody a dedication to serving others and improving the quality of life for those with whom we interact.

A Foundation Of Service
Being of service to others is what makes life meaningful. We orient ourselves toward making live better not only for for those whom we encounter today, but for future generations as well.
Our organization fosters a culture of service and a dedication to problem solving. We have our gaze oriented toward the future and we believe that serving others today, tomorrow, and always is the path to our own sense of fulfillment in our endeavors.

Community Is The Center
Saipan has been inhabited for thousands of years. For most of that time, our beautiful islands were isolated from the rest of the world. People here understand that community is not just “nice to have,” it is essential to our very survival.
Our mission is to build community in a manner that is sustainable and benefits all members.

Courage And Consideration In Innovation
The places in the world that are the most in need of new ideas can often be places that are the most unsure about change. Our orientation is always toward listening first. We want to solve existing problems, not create new ones.
It is our mission to ensure that any innovations we assist in implementing in Saipan are a sustainable fit for the existing environment, culture, and community of the Northern Mariana Islands.